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Catalyst for waste engine oil to diesel oil with good quality

The catalyst for waste oil is mainly used for the catalytic cracking of waste oil. The catalyst can further catalyze the oil which can not be processed after the waste oil is gradually distilled, so as to extract more and better diesel and gasoline from the waste oil. It include waste engine oil catalyst, waste plastic oil, waste tire oil.

  • Introduction
  • Parameters
  • Packing

















As we know the difference between the engine oil and diesel fuel is the molecular structure and molecular weight. The molecular weight of the engine oil is large, while the molecular weight of diesel and gasoline is small. Based on this, put the waste engine oil into the refinery equipment, under a certain temperature (330±20 °C) with our catalyst, the oil molecules produce complex chemical reactions such as ring opening, chain scission and condensation, which generate diesel, gasoline and a small amount. Combustible gas and residual oil. Also our catalyst is high selectivity to the diesel, high cetane number of the diesel. The oil refinery with catalyst no bad smell, also the color is much bright, close to water or light yellow color. And the oil quality close to the national standard. Also, the catalyst can reuse 2-3 times after recycled. 1 ton catalyst can refinery 500-1000 tons oil

Item number: KSC-4A, KSC-4B


















Above is the picture about how the catalyst refinery the waste engine oil to diesel oil


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Item 4A 4B
Standard Test Result Standard Test Result
Size mm Φ2.5*2-10 Φ2.5*4 Φ3*2-10 Φ3*6
Pore Volume  ml/g ≧0.3 0.45 ≧0.28 0.39
Specific Surface Area  m2/g ≧235 260 ≧250 278
Crushing Strength N/cm ≧125 130 ≧130 142
Bulk Density kg/l ≥0.7 0.72 ≧0.7 0.77
Abrasion wt% ≦1 0.3 ≦1 0.6

Catalyst packing should be with bag or barrel packing.

Bag packing with 25kg/bag, barrel packing with 40kg/barrel.

Bag packing with 15-18 tons in 1*20GP, barrel packing with 14-15 tons in 1*20GP.




































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